Welcome to the Indian Cultural Society, Darwin information site.

Copyright ICS Darwin
Indian Cultural Society Darwin Inc.(ICS) was established in the early eighties by a small group of families of Indian origin who made Darwin there home. The idea behind the organization was to meet, socialize and involve families in cultural activities.

In years to come the number of families grew and the organization was registered as an association. With the number of families growing the association evolved into what it is today; an incorporated body and association.

A constitution was established and funding was sought from successive NT government.

With small beginnings of social and cultural activity like Festival of Lights(Diwali), Christmas, Dandia, Holi(Festival of water and colours), Harmony day, Harvest festival, sporting activities, seniors day, Independence day; ICS proposed, organized and executed India@mindil in 1997 with a small budget and a big vision.

India@Mindil (I@M) became an integral part of the Darwin events calendar. It is one of the premier events of Darwin and is well supported by everyone in the community. India@mindil is committed to promoting Indian cultural and cuisine to Territorians. I@M is one of the biggest cultural events organized by the Indian cultural society and funded predominantly by the Northern Territory Government. Government of India is also supportive of this major event and sponsors professional cultural tropes from India from time to time

Purpose/ Aims and Objectives

ICS is a non for profit, apolitical, non-religious organization whose main purpose is to promote Indian culture, cuisine and inclusive philosophy among its members and the wider NT community. The organization purpose is also to promote Indian language to its young and not so young through language classes. ICS support its members as and when required to settle in Darwin. ICS also encourages international student to participate in cultural activity and provide discounted membership to all students.

India is a country of many languages, culture, cuisine and religion. Our aim is inclusion; inclusion not only the people of Indian origins but all those who enjoy and appreciate India’s colourful dress and dances, Bollywood and classical dance and music, multilingual people, and exotic cuisine. Our objective is to include everyone irrespective of their ethnicity, age or religion.

We welcome you all to join our organization and hope to be enriched by you and you are enriched and enlightened by our culture.

Dr. Anshul Kaul
President - 2022 - 2023

Last updated: Tuesday 12th of July 2016